Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Established Practice

I don't know when it started...maybe when I was a teenager, or a little later on I suppose.
I'm not typically one for superstition so it should not be classified as such, however ,
every Wednesday since the early 21st century I have indulged in a bit of a "tradition".
A constitutional if you will. The reason for this escapes me.

Every Wednesday, I listen to Beck.

That's it. In some way, shape or form, I listen to the musical stylings of one seriously
talented dude. Whether it be on my laptop, in my car while I'm traversing the bustling
commerce that isn't Western Kentucky, or with my favorite IPhone.

Now, now...I already know what you're all thinking. "How could one possibly commit to such
a militant pursuit of an auditory custom?" 
I say unto thee my friends - Have at least one musical institution.

Pick up an old CD that you haven't heard in a good long while, and set aside the time to
listen to a few tracks. See where it takes you inside your head. You may very well be
surprised at the memories that come out of the haze that builds up over the past.
Check out the song of the week, and keep checking back for new posts.
Thanks for slacking off with me.

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